World Kindness Day highlights the good deeds within the community and what you can do as an individual. Being kind is good for everyone, when you're kind it's a win-win for everyone. The giver of kindness feels satisfied with their behavior toward another person and the receiver of the kindness feels happy because they've been
The NAMI Support Group of Kendallville meets on the second Monday of each month, beginning at 5:00 PM and will take place at the Community Learning Center, Classroom 205, located at 201 E. North Street, Kendallville, IN 46755. NAMI Support Groups are free and open to all adults who are living with mental illness, family members,
This day is meant to bring comfort to the survivors of suicide loss. Those affected by suicide can join together for healing and support. We at the Northeastern Center are here to support those struggling with loss and have staff ready to help you cope.
The Northeastern Center is celebrating Thanksgiving and the Friday after. All outpatient offices will be closed, and our inpatient and residential facilities will stay open.
The Northeastern Center appreciates anyone and everyone regardless of their disabilities, mental and physical. Use this day to empower you to celebrate what makes you unique and be proud of who you are. Disability does not mean inability.